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Updated in v4.17.1

Used to indicate an object’s categorization.

Use Tags to indicate an object’s categorization, e.g., for filtering. For static metadata, status, or to indicate a new feature, use a Badge.


When to use

  • To indicate an object’s categorization, e.g., for filtering.

When not to use

  • For static metadata, status, or to display a new feature, consider Badge.
  • For collection enumeration or version number, consider Badge Count.


The Tag component can be used in several different layouts, but we commonly see them in a list or a group. They will fill the parent container and then wrap, as necessary.

Skeleton of an app with tags in a list below the heading.

Tag layout as a list

Skeleton of an app with tags in a group where they fill the container and wrap onto 4 rows.

Tag layout as a group


As a best practice, use a vertical spacing of 12px and horizontal spacing of 8px between Tags.

Spacing between tags

Leading vs. trailing icon


The leading dismiss icon allows mouse users to clear multiple Tags quickly because they do not need to move their mouse.


When the dismiss icon is trailing, the mouse user must adjust positioning of their mouse to clear the Tags, which results in slower task completion.


When content within the tag is not user-generated, it should be concise and consistent with the category name.


Tags can display about 20 characters maximum before the text becomes automatically truncated. When truncated, the full text will display in a Tooltip that appears when the user hovers or focuses the Tag. This Tooltip displays above the Tag by default; however, the placement can be customized.

Tooltip placement can only be customized in the Ember component. For simplicity, the Figma component only includes top placement.

How to use this component

When no @href or @route argument is provided, a plain text Tag will render.

My text tag
<Hds::Tag @text="My text tag" @onDismiss={{this.yourOnDismissFunction}} />

There are two available colors for a link: primary and secondary. The default is primary.

<Hds::Tag @color="primary" @text="My link tag" @route="show" @model="components/tag" @onDismiss={{this.yourOnDismissFunction}} />
<Hds::Tag @color="secondary" @text="My link tag" @route="show" @model="components/tag" @onDismiss={{this.yourOnDismissFunction}} />


In most cases, the Tag should be dismissable. If you don’t provide a callback function to the onDismiss argument the dismiss button will not be rendered.

<Hds::Tag @color="primary" @text="My link tag" @route="show" @model="components/tag" />


If the Tag’s content causes it to exceed its max width of about 20 characters, the text will be truncated, and a Tooltip will be rendered including the full text. The default Tooltip placement is top, but this can be customized using the @tooltipPlacement argument.

This is a very long text that should go on multiple lines
<Hds::Tag @text="This is a very long text that should go on multiple lines" @tooltipPlacement="right" />

Component API


color enum
  • primary (default)
  • secondary
Sets the color of a link when @route or @href are set.
text string
The text of the Tag; or link text when the @route or @href are set. If no text value is defined an error will be thrown.
ariaLabel string
Accepts a localized string; the fallback is set to Dismiss. Note that the total value of the aria-label attribute is @ariaLabel + @text.
URL parameter that’s passed down to the <a> element.
isHrefExternal boolean
  • false (default)
This controls if the <a> link is external. For security reasons, we add the target="_blank" and rel="noopener noreferrer" attributes to it by default.
Parameters that are passed down as arguments to the <LinkTo>/<LinkToExternal> components.
isRouteExternal boolean
  • false (default)
Controls if the “LinkTo” is external to the Ember engine, in which case it will use a <LinkToExternal> for the @route.
tooltipPlacement enum
  • top (default)
  • right
  • bottom
  • left
Placement for the preferred starting tooltip position relative to the text when the text is truncated. The tooltip will automatically shift position to remain visible when near the edges of the screen regardless of the starting placement. The Tooltip component supports additional placement options which you can explore if needed.
onDismiss function
Enables the dismiss feature. When a function is passed, the "dismiss" button is displayed.
This component supports use of ...attributes.


Tag anatomy

Element Usage
Text Required
Tooltip Required when text is truncated
Dismiss icon Required for isDismissible
Container Required


Tag states

Conformance rating


When used as recommended, there should not be any accessibility issues with this component.

Best practices

  • A screen reader will read dismissible tags from left to right, e.g., “dismiss [text]”.
  • Link tags and dismissible tags must be standalone elements and should not be nested inside other interactive elements because they cannot be properly accessed by a screen reader.

Applicable WCAG Success Criteria

This section is for reference only. This component intends to conform to the following WCAG Success Criteria:

  • 1.4.1 Use of Color (Level A):
    Color is not used as the only visual means of conveying information, indicating an action, prompting a response, or distinguishing a visual element.
  • 1.4.11 Non-text Contrast (Level AA):
    The visual presentation of the following have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 against adjacent color(s): user interface components; graphical objects.
  • 1.4.12 Text Spacing (Level AA):
    No loss of content or functionality occurs by setting all of the following and by changing no other style property: line height set to 1.5; spacing following paragraphs set to at least 2x the font size; letter-spacing set at least 0.12x of the font size, word spacing set to at least 0.16 times the font size.
  • 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus (Level AA):
    Where receiving and then removing pointer hover or keyboard focus triggers additional content to become visible and then hidden, the following are true: dismissible, hoverable, persistent (see link).
  • 1.4.3 Minimum Contrast (Level AA):
    The visual presentation of text and images of text has a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1
  • 1.4.4 Resize Text (Level AA):
    Except for captions and images of text, text can be resized without assistive technology up to 200 percent without loss of content or functionality.
  • 2.1.1 Keyboard (Level A):
    All functionality of the content is operable through a keyboard interface.
  • 2.4.7 Focus Visible (Level AA):
    Any keyboard operable user interface has a mode of operation where the keyboard focus indicator is visible.
  • 3.2.1 On Focus (Level A):
    When any user interface component receives focus, it does not initiate a change of context.
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (Level A):
    For all user interface components, the name and role can be programmatically determined; states, properties, and values that can be set by the user can be programmatically set; and notification of changes to these items is available to user agents, including assistive technologies.


If any accessibility issues have been found within this component, let us know by submitting an issue.


Truncated any text that is longer than about 20 characters, and added a tooltip with the full text when truncation occurs

Added @tooltipPlacement argument
