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Updated in v4.17.1

Concise, non-interactive labels that represent metadata.

Badges are concise, non-interactive labels that represent metadata.


When to use

  • To indicate status, such as “Running”, “Applied”, “Errored”, etc.
  • As feature flags, such as “In Preview”, “Beta”, “New”, etc.
  • For categorizations, such as Product Lines and Account Levels.
  • For keyboard shortcut hints, such as Esc.

When not to use

  • To display version numbers or collection counts in Tabs, consider Badge Count.
  • For a list of metadata elements (like selected filters), consider Tag.
  • For dismissable elements, consider Tag.
  • For longer status messages, consider Alert.


There are six colors: neutral, neutral-dark-mode, highlight, critical, success, and warning.


Use color logically.

  • Neutral to call attention to general metadata, such as “New”, “Beta”, “In Preview”, etc.
  • Neutral (dark mode) for general metadata on dark backgrounds, such as sidebars and headers.
  • Highlight for general metadata that needs a more obvious callout or prominence on the page.
  • Success to indicate a successful or passive action, such as “Running”.
  • Warning to indicate a warning.
  • Critical to indicate critical feedback or something needing immediate action.

Alternative color usage

Badges can also indicate different account levels:



There are three types of Badges: filled, inverted, and outlined.



Neutral filled
Highlight filled
Success filled
Warning filled
Critical filled

Use filled Badges when displaying many on a single page or for subtle callouts.

For example:

  • when listing statuses in a table
  • for successful or passive actions


Neutral inverted
Highlight inverted
Success inverted
Warning inverted
Critical inverted

Use inverted Badges to draw extra attention to something. However, avoid using too many inverted Badges on one page, as it could overwhelm the user and reduce the importance of nearby elements.

For example:

  • for errors or other critical feedback that needs addressing

example of overuse of inverted badges in a table


Neutral outlined
Highlight outlined
Success outlined
Warning outlined
Critical outlined

Use outlined Badges as an alternative to filled Badges, but when extra attention is not required.


There are three sizes: small, medium, and large. Content within the Badges may truncate as screen sizes reduce.


Medium is preferred, but use a badge size that best fits the UI.

For example:

  • use large Badges when inline with a heading
  • use small or medium Badges in tables, depending on the data density


Badges come in a few icon and text combinations; text only, icon only, and icon + text (where the icon is in the leading position). Use icons intentionally and only when they provide the user with extra value.

Text only
Icon only
Text + Icon

Using Badges for status

Badges are commonly used to communicate status of items and objects. To avoid relying solely on color as a means to communicate status, we recommend:

  • Including an icon that aligns with the intended severity or importance of the status. Some common examples of this are check for success, alert for warning, and x for critical.
  • Using explicit, straightforward language when communicating status, e.g., for items that are in a positive state, use "Successful" or "Active".



  • Labels should be short and to the point (~25 characters). They should not consist of full sentences but should provide enough context to be useful, especially when using status badges.
  • Use language consistently within each product. For example, when using “In Progress” for one badge, use that same convention throughout the rest of the application.
  • Since Badges are not interactive, they don’t support links. Consider moving the link outside of the Badge instead.

How to use this component

The most basic invocation requires the @text argument to be passed, resulting in a medium neutral Badge.

Default badge
<Hds::Badge @text="Default badge" />


The @color argument can be used to change the color.

Highlight badge
Success badge
Warning badge
Critical badge
<Hds::Badge @text="Highlight badge" @color="highlight" />
<Hds::Badge @text="Success badge" @color="success" />
<Hds::Badge @text="Warning badge" @color="warning" />
<Hds::Badge @text="Critical badge" @color="critical" />


Use the @type argument to invoke different Badge types. The options are filled, inverted, outlined.

Inverted badge
Outlined badge
<Hds::Badge @text="Inverted badge" @type="inverted" />
<Hds::Badge @text="Outlined badge" @type="outlined" />


A different size of Badge can be invoked using the @size argument.

Small badge
Large badge
<Hds::Badge @text="Small badge" @size="small" />
<Hds::Badge @text="Large badge" @size="large" />


Use the @icon argument to pass in the any icon name. Icons always display in the leading (left) position.

<Hds::Badge @text="Terraform" @icon="terraform" />


To display an icon without text set the @isIconOnly argument to true. Defining @text is still necessary to conform with accessibility standards but won’t be displayed visually.

<Hds::Badge @text="Terraform" @icon="terraform" @isIconOnly={{true}} />

Component API

type enum
  • filled (default)
  • inverted
  • outlined
size enum
  • small
  • medium (default)
  • large
color enum
  • neutral (default)
  • neutral-dark-mode
  • highlight
  • critical
  • success
  • warning
text string | number
The text of the Badge or value of the screen-reader only element if isIconOnly is set to true. If no text value is defined an error will be thrown.
icon string
Use this parameter to show an icon. Any icon name is acceptable.
isIconOnly boolean
  • false (default)
This indicates if the button will only contain an icon. An internal check is in place to ensure that accessible text is still applied to the component.
This component supports use of ...attributes.


Anatomy of the badge component

Element Usage
Icon Required for status badges (Success, Warning, Critical); optional, otherwise
Text Required
Container Required

Conformance rating


When used as recommended, there should not be any accessibility issues with this component.

Annotations in design

When using icon-only Badges, include annotations of the non-visual experience in your handoff notes. For example:

Example of an annotation of a badge to provide more context


If any accessibility issues have been found within this component, let us know by submitting an issue.


Updated foreground and background colors to improve contrast for a11y


Updated @text argument type to include numbers.
